Milk teeth, which remain in the mouth until the age of 12, decay more easily and quickly. Care should be taken as soon as the milk teeth come out before they rot.
When do milk teeth come out?
Baby teeth begin to erupt when the child is 6-8 months old. At the age of 2.5-3, a total of 20 eruptions (10 in the lower jaw and 10 in the upper jaw) are completed. The baby may be restless when milk teeth are erupting. During this period, using teethers kept in the refrigerator will relax the baby. Baby teeth stay in the mouth until about 12 years of age and play an important role in the child’s oral and general health. From the age of six, the child enters the mixed dentition period. The first molars erupt at the age of six, the incisors at the age of 7-8 years, the premolars and canines between the ages of 9-11, and the second molars at the age of 12 years.
What happens if milk teeth decay?
Süt dişleri normal dişlere oranla daha çok organik madde içerirler, bu nedenle çürümeye daha yatkın olurlar ve daha kolay ve hızlı çürüyebilirler. Çocuklar, çürüğün erken dönemlerinde pek tepki vermezler. Çürük ilerledikçe soğuğa ve tatlıya karşı duyarlılık başlayabilir. Daha sonra çürük diş, çocuğa acı verecek ve ağrı yapacaktır. Ağrı, özellikle yemek yendiği zaman artar. Çünkü çürük içerisine giren yemek artıkları dişin sinirlerine basınç yaparak ağrının artmasına neden olur.
Is it possible to treat milk teeth?
It is not easy to put children in the dentist’s chair and treat them, especially at an early age. Sometimes, even pediatric dentists (pedodontists) cannot perform the treatment of these painful teeth in the chair because the child does not comply, and the treatment has to be under general anesthesia. Considering all these difficulties, great attention should be paid to oral and dental care from the eruption of the first milk teeth. Early loss of milk teeth causes some problems during permanent dentition, especially in the posterior molar regions. Because the adjacent teeth towards the space where the tooth was lost may slide over time, causing the closure of this place, causing the permanent tooth to be replaced in the future to remain embedded, or it may result in incorrect closures by driving from a different place. In such cases, the need for orthodontic treatment (wire treatment) in the future is inevitable. If an early primary tooth extraction has to be done for various reasons, fixed/movable placeholder appliances should be made to prevent the space from closing as a result of the slipping of the teeth next to the extraction space.
My child's teeth rotted as soon as they erupted. What could be the reason?
In children, it is sometimes observed that brown spots appear on the teeth as soon as they last, or that these teeth break and fall out. In fact, these stains are dental caries and teeth are broken due to caries. The reason for the formation of caries in such an early period is the caries called bottle caries. Breast milk or cow’s milk, which is the most important nutrient in infant nutrition, naturally contains sugar. If the baby sucks breast milk or a bottle before going to bed at night or during sleep, milk accumulates in the mouth and creates a favorable environment for microbes to rot the teeth.
What should be done to prevent baby bottle rot?
- Prevent your baby’s habit of sleeping with a bottle in his mouth at night.
- Do not add sweeteners such as sugar, honey, molasses, biscuits to the milk in the bottle.
- After feeding the baby, make sure to drink water or brush teeth if possible.
- When the first teeth start to erupt, wipe their teeth with a clean, wet cheesecloth or gauze after night and morning feedings.