Flour application is an application made with fluoride, an element that prevents tooth decay and strengthens the tooth structure. Especially newly erupted teeth become more resistant to caries formation. Pediatric dentists use this application for the purpose of protecting the teeth until the enamel matures. Flour application is an application that can be used from the age of 3 and is used to prevent tooth decay in children.
Flour application can be used to protect dental and oral health, can be used to strengthen tooth structure, can be used to protect tooth enamel and can be used to protect tooth surfaces. After fluoride application to the teeth, one should not eat or drink for 1 hour, and milk and various dairy products should not be consumed for 24 hours. In case of consumption of these products, the effect of flour application may decrease. Fluoride is used in the application of fluorine. Fluoride is also a substance found in drinking water, this substance is beneficial for teeth and does not have any side effects.
How is Flour Application Made?
Flour application, which is started to be used from the age of 3 and is used every 6 months, can increase the resistance in the tooth structure of children and prevent caries and orthodontic problems. Flour application can be applied with 2 different methods. These applications are tropical flour application and systematic flour application. To apply the Flour treatment, the method determined by the doctor is applied and the teeth can be protected in a short time with these applications. The systematic flour application performs at a lower level than the tropical application. For this reason, tropical flour application is generally preferred. For this application, flour is applied to the teeth as a gel or paste. A healthy tooth structure can only be formed if this process is applied regularly.
What are the Advantages of Flour Application?
Flour uygulaması erken yaşlarda uygulanırsa çocukların ağız ve diş sağlığına yarar sağlar. Flour uygulaması diş girintileri ve oluklarında olabilecek besin birikimlerini önler. Yine bu uygulama diş yüzeylerinin daha kolay fırçalanmasına yardımcı olur ve dişlerde oluşabilecek diş problemlerinin önüne geçerken aynı zamanda diş yapılarını güçlendirir ve dişlere canlılık kazandırır.